6 x 9

PAGES:  You are responsible for entering an accurate page count. This system will not automatically count the pages in your uploaded file.

PER BOOK COST:  To determine the per book costs, take the Total Cost show in orange directly below your book specifications and divide by the order quantity.

GROUP DISCOUNT: Add more titles of the same size to an order and receive a group discount in the shopping cart!

  • Titles included in the group discount must be of the same size.
  • Quantities for the titles can differ.
  • Quantities will be added to determine the discount amount.
  • More than one group discount per order is possible.
  • Group discount is offered per order.
  • Volumes must hit thresholds to apply.
Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

Spine Calculator

Locate your inside page stock on the table below and multiply your page count by the fraction listed.

Paper Stock
Multiply Page Count By
50# Text – Uncoated


Add a space of this width between the front and back covers in your cover file.


Pages vs. Sheets
A single sheet of paper has 2 sides, a front and a back side. A sheet folded in half gives you 4 numbered pages.

Counting Pages
To determine the number of pages, count every sheet side (each sheet has 2 sides) and all blank pages.

Your page count must be divisible by 2 as a sheet has 2 sides whether it is printed on or not.

Select your size, enter your page count & upload your files

(Min: 100, Max: 700, Step: 1)
(Min: 40, Max: 900) (Step: 2)
(Min: 40, Max: 900)
Please enter a multiple of 2
Total cost:$336.76

Please enter zipcode
Total cost including shipping:$336.76